Friday, May 8, 2009

Ready, set, blog.

Hey friends and neighbors! I'm so glad you've decided to join on the fantastic voyage to 26.2 miles. Here's the theory -- I'll be posting some regularly scheduled updates like so:

Sundays: the Running Report -- mileage, what I'm doing, how my body's holding up.
Wednesdays: Why I'm Running Wednesdays -- stories about the kiddos I'm running for, and why I'm doing this.
Thursdays: Thank You Thursdays! Brief (or lengthy) shout-outs to the people who have gotten me to where I am.
Fridays: Fundraising Friday -- how the fundraising's going, and what you can do to help!

From time to time, you'll get super bonus updates. As you may have heard, I always have something to say, and what better medium to disperse those opinions than internet?

These regular updates will start, well, sometime soon. I hope.

Remember, the most important website is this one:

Want to remember it more easily? Or share it with a friend? This works too:

I am SO excited to be running, and happy to be sharing it with you! Help me change some lives --LMG

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